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Old 01-23-2014, 01:20 AM   #1
Montana Fan
Join Date: Dec 2009
Posts: 238
M.O.C. #9976
Here We Go Again

Well, no water in the rig this morning even with skirting, etc.. 60 degrees in the basement. Wondering if our hose heat tape has stopped working, even though its light is still on. Will switch over to water pump in a while and see if it's working. Of course, in consistent subzero temps our tanks are probably frozen shut, so we shouldn't be running a lot of water anyway.

We're supposed to have the Arctic Package on our rig, but makes me wonder, especially if the pipes, tanks and water pump are frozen. Not that it really MEANS "arctic" by any stretch of the imagination.

Skirting, keeping furnace at reasonable temp, heat tape/insulation, supplemental heater in basement, cabinets open, etc. All the things one is supposed to do and we're still SOL. Oh well.

On the other hand, this Winter is the coldest in 15-20 years here and many places. I'm hearing of frozen water hoses in Florida.

At least we do have water in the office trailer and I've perfected the art of the sink bath. Good thing, 'cause we're not going to see above freezing temps for another week.

We're warm, have food, work we enjoy, a bit of $$ in the bank and are safe. We're living a great lifestyle by choice. That's much, much more than so many people have these days. We're good.

Now if I could just get our contracting company to construct one of those indoor RV spaces like in North Dakota . . .

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