Thread: slider
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Old 07-01-2007, 06:41 AM   #1
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Posts: 31
M.O.C. #6552

Ok all you trouble shooters, help me with this: we're returning from a somewhat trouble free 3 week journey. More on the 'somewhat trouble free' part later. Here's my question on the kitchen side slide out: Two nights ago when we tried to extend the slide out, only one end would slide, leading to torquing or pivoting, while the other end remained "in". Has this happened to anybody else? Any ideas on what's causing this? By the way, this is happening on a 2005 Big Sky.

I was able to get it fully extended by pushing/wiggling on the counter top on the end that was not moving. In the morning, when we tried to retract it, it was again moving only on one end. With someone outside, pushing on the non-moving end of the slide out, and with me on the inside, pulling on the countertop, we were able to fully bring it in.
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