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Old 06-19-2013, 04:40 PM   #1
Montana Master
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Bonita Springs
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M.O.C. #6977
Up date on Mrs Sailer

Well we went to pain management today in Ft Myers,FL and decided on going with the stimalitor ,which is wires in the spine next to the dura. they are run by a battery with a remote , hand held, to stimulate her as she needs it. It is much better than pills for the rest of her life. You can't live on Vicodin . We hope to have a test installed on july 8 of this year and The Doc said we could travel after a few weeks , so we are headed to Wisconsin for business for a few weeks then back to Bonita Springs.FL to get the permeniate wires installed, we hope and yet get back to Goshen for the rally . Everything has too fall into place just rite or we will miss the rally but won't know until early sept sometime. We talked to another doc on Monday and he said if it was him he would try anything to get rid of the pain. The web site for this is from St Judes Hosp and is called , This is the last resort as the scar tussie is the worst if she has to be operated on anymore times as this is # 4 in her back
Thanks everybody sailer John & Sharon Conard #6977 MOC
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