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Old 02-15-2017, 12:15 PM   #224
Montana Master
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: North Ridgeville
Posts: 20,229
M.O.C. #2839
We have spent 6 months every one of those 11 years staying in Warm weather so we live in these things 24/7/180 every year. We return to our home base S&B for the summer 6 months and travel from there example we did the S.W f or 44 days the summer of 2016. We also do various rallies and other camping trips and spend at least 3 months of the summer 6 months on the road, rarely less. We have done over 100K miles in our near 11 years on the road so we do use these Montana's hard We will be attending the NE rally and will tour the NE States this summer as the last part of the country we have not toured. Our Rv'ing goal in 2006 was to stay out of snow and ice and see the USA. We have achieved that goal. We are older now and everything must change in time for us perhaps a site in warm Florida.We have been campers and Rv'ers for over 30 years and do not regret a day of it. Our point was that these two Montana's have served us well but not without issues. We had 4 Rv's before the Montana's with less problems as we were low end users then.
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