Thread: bad traveler
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Old 09-28-2017, 02:14 PM   #18
Seasoned Camper
Join Date: Mar 2017
Location: Pine
Posts: 53
M.O.C. #19552
We travel with 3 cats; Bill, Toby and Stink. We started with crates in the back seat but Toby is an Opera Singer and can wake the dead. We ditched his crate and he now rides in his harness with a leash. He's a nervous boy and peed the first two outings but has not peed in a long time. He sleeps most the time between the other two crates on the back seat.

Bill, the old one can only quack like a duck. That's exactly what his meow sounds like, a duck quacking. We were going through Rapid City a month or so ago and his quacking became constant. Not loud but something was wrong. My wife pulled him out of his crate and put the leash on. He went potty in the litter box and then curled up on the front seat between us. Now we have two leashed cats in the truck and one in the crate.

Stink did not like the idea that she was the only one in a crate and started meowing. She's not loud so it's easy to tune out. I think Stink will remain crated as the boys seem to do well in a harness and leash. They have also learned that they must stay put as I back the fiver. Amazing what they can get used to.

We keep them as cool as possible with fans and the AC on high. My wife wears a sweater and I'm fine. It took awhile but the cats have adjusted to traveling. They do better after the first stop for some reason.
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