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Old 07-26-2020, 03:12 PM   #67
Seasoned Camper
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Location: Tifton
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M.O.C. #21975
Originally Posted by Loneoak View Post
We live in Canada, but have travelled extensively in the U.S. We have wintered in Florida for the past twelve winters. Of course the border is now closed, so we will camp in our own province.

I would like to get some information from people around the U.S. as to how things are going with regards to the pandemic. Are people taking it seriously? Are they social distancing? Are people wearing masks?

I have been in touch with someone I know in Florida and she tells me things are business as usual down there, with no one paying it much attention. This is a state which is the epicenter of the country for the virus!

I don't want any political discussions. I just want to know how things really are. We get the news up here, but I just would like to know what the people are saying, not just the journalists. One article I read stated "Not only is the genie out of the bottle, there is no longer bottle"! Are things as bad as they say? Do any of you know anyone who got the virus, and maybe even someone who died from it?
We just returned from a trip to the Gulf Coast of Central Florida and we found very few instances of the Covid pandemic impacting our activities. Some people but not all were wearing masks and most restaurants were open for dine in service and all the stores were open. We did find that the shops in Cedar Key all had signs posted stating that masks were required, but that's the only placed that we observed it. Other than that it was pretty much business as usual.
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