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Old 12-13-2020, 02:47 PM   #21
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Join Date: Aug 2007
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M.O.C. #7560
John-- are you sure that whoever pumped out your sticks and bricks septic didn't add something to it after pumping it? They normally add some enzymes, cultures or even active yeast to the tank after pumping them to keep the chemical action going in the tank once it's pumped out. Yes, there is still SOME enzymes left in the tank but normally not enough to keep the culture going after pumping. We have the septic system out at the farm and add a jar or a cake of active yeast to the toilet about once every six months and this keep it active. I've been using Happy Camper a natural enzyme additive to all three tanks on a regular basis and have never had a problem. It breaks up all solids and they flush down the slinky with no problems when I dump. I've found out that not using the enzymes there is always pieces of paper and some solids that come out of the tank when dumping. I know this because I have a clear attachment to my dump valve and I watch it when dumping. No matter what, the gauges will not show a correct level of fluid or solids in the tank. They are internal probes and get STUFF stuck to them no matter what is used. The only way to get accurate readings from the sensors is by going to the external sensors and the actually do work from what I've been able to tell by my friends having them installed on their tanks.
Randall- In respect to the tires, I have gone with Goodyear G 614's but the Sailun's G 637's are comparable and a whole lot less money. The only reason the G 614's are on my rig is because the Sailuns were not out yet when I purchased the rig back in 2013. From what I understand, the difference between the 80's and the 85's is about an inch in height and maybe a little wider and that is it. If I had it to do to my rig, I'd be going with the Sailuns even though they are a little harder to find when traveling the US if something happened to them.
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