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Old 10-20-2021, 02:31 PM   #7
Montana Fan
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Spokane Valley
Posts: 222
M.O.C. #5255
Tank Patch

I would suggest that before going to the difficult task of removing and replacing a waste tank you take the time to locate the leak. Most leaks are caused from stress which causes stress cracks. If you can locate the leak and can get access to it you can fix it using a product called Plasti-Mend. This product came about from an RV Tech whose job was to replace these tanks and found doing so was costly and more often unnecessary when a patch solution would resolve the problem. This product, when applied properly, makes the patch area stronger than the original tank. But the crack and adjacent area must be throughly prepped before attempting repair.

Do a search for Plasti-Mend for product details and use.

I have patched two of my waste tanks and have not had another leak since and it’s going on six years.

Good luck in your tank repair!
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