Thread: /fyi
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Old 12-02-2021, 03:27 PM   #15
Montana Master
Join Date: Feb 2020
Location: SoCal
Posts: 614
M.O.C. #25842
Originally Posted by bshgto View Post
Just finished 1500 mile trip . Noticed many many 5th wheels passing me and hanging out in the left lane doing 70 or better. They are arguing with the tailgaters and causing them to weave in and out of lanes to get around them. This is not safe at all but you know the younger crowd they just haven`t felt any pain yet but they will.
On this trip 2 road lizards in my lane, big ones to. Was able to hit the shoulder to miss them. Saw one tailgater in the left lane loose it and crossed in front of me at a distance then on to the trees noticed both front air bags went off as we went by so he hit something solid. My point is was able to react to conditions because of a slower speed. Look at a time "speed-time savings chart" really isn`t worth it. But some are always trying to prove something about themselves.
We think alike.....

My days of proving anything to anybody are long gone. My absolute max speed towing is 65 and many times not over 60.

Here is one that was a very memorable experience.

We spent all of last winter in Quartzite. On our way up 95 headed to Walmart in Parker (shopping so just the truck) we had a 5er of some make blow by and I pulled out behind him. Thought I'd catch up and get a better look at his rig. I ran 70 for a bit but eventually decided it was going to take a lot more than that to catch him so I gave up.
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