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Old 12-08-2021, 08:46 AM   #1
Ron & Izzy
Seasoned Camper
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Join Date: Aug 2021
Location: Florence
Posts: 82
M.O.C. #29530
weatherstation mast

so.. one of the nuts in my head is weather..

Saying that, i've had weather instruments for the past 20 some odd years. Now that my wife and i have a 3121CK, i'd like to get an instrument for my RV. One of the disadvantages for this install, is that the unit has to be about 3 or 4 feet above the 3121 (prevailing winds/wind direction/and not so close to the roof that it will not record reflecitve heat) maybe.. about 16 feet tall if measuring from the ground.

So... i'm thinking attachment along the rear ladder, with 2-3 connection points. one at the lowest rung, one at the middle rung, and then at the top rung.. But.. what to use as a mast that can reach up 16', and how to attach to ladder. The first thing that popped... something like a dust pan... that you push the broom stick handle into the dust pan handle. And then of course what is the mast made of.. PVC, wood doweling, or?

the newer weather instruments have no moving parts as in the past.. there are sensors (heptic & sonic) within the unit which sense rain, and how much, wind direction, wind velocity and of course the 'other' sensors.

Thank for your input.

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