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Old 03-09-2022, 08:13 PM   #16
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M.O.C. #30248
Appreciate the passion in this thread

So. My dog has FOMO (fear of missing out). He loves his people, especially me. I take him wherever I go whenever possible. I got him in the winter and was able to take him on errands and he could stay in the car, so he got used to chilling there (when weather permits) while I went into a store. I am hoping he'll be a therapy dog so I've tried giving him tons of different experiences. One of my favorite things to do is to sit outside at a coffee shop with him. He's gotten used to people walking by and staying settled. The harder part of his training, for me, was to leave him alone. But I knew I had to train him not to have separation anxiety. He will "yell" at me sometimes when he realizes he's not coming with me (because most of the time he does) but settles right down. And I know that because he greets me calmly at the door when I get back, and sometimes if I forget something and go back in the house he has already settled. He doesn't destroy anything in the house. He's really well-balanced. I'm hoping for the best with this trip, that he won't be a barking pest. Going to pull the shades down to try and prevent him from barking at everyone walking by. I do not think that he will just bark and bark and bark when I leave. So, I'm going to look at some of these camera suggestions and do more research, figure out the best plan of action, and learn along the way. Thanks, everybody.
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