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Old 03-21-2023, 02:34 PM   #9
Seasoned Camper
Join Date: May 2018
Location: Ft. Worth
Posts: 60
M.O.C. #21771
I appreciate your time to write. However, with as many others having the same issue, I feel some sort of support is needed. Over time, as the aluminum expands and contracts can cause the screws they are held in with to lose their tension. My trailer, coach to some, is now seven years old. Texas will see Temps from -5 to 112. Aluminum will expand and contract in that temp range. Yes, not much, but it doesn't take too many times for that miniscule amount to cause issues. Staples, small head nails, RTV, heck, even double sided tape would be a help.
Or, maybe, the powers to be WANT us buying new it falls off.
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