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Old 08-10-2023, 11:01 AM   #13
R Bran
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M.O.C. #31461
Originally Posted by Foldbak View Post
The system will work. First off if you're receiving out of stroke, your legs have extended as far as they can. You need to put blocks under the legs. I use these.

Secondly, download the lippert Now app. It has everything including live support, docs and videos. I struggled with mine at first until I learned how to use it. I've had 2 rigs with it and both worked. Lippert is really good at supporting you in the field. Level your rig side to side as much as you can using blocks under the wheels and then make sure you have enough block under the legs to prevent a stroke out error.
Like I said, I have tried everything. I do use blocks and always level side to side before unhitching the truck. Thanks for the input but seriously, mine just won’t work all the time. Maybe three times since I’ve owned it. Also, I do have the Lippert app. When I say it strokes out it does this all on its own. The rig can be nearly level to start and it will literally keep climbing until there isn’t anything left. Once it even gave me an error code the front was too low as it stroked out. I could walk under it the coach was so high. Usually after the third attempt at auto level it gets me close enough that I can manually level. It’s about a half hour process every time. The shop can’t figure out what the issue is and it’s out of warranty so it is what it is.

What I have found works best is when I retract all jacks and then hit the auto level. That gets me the closest to actual level and I can fine tune it after that but sometimes it takes a few tries. I make sure I always keep my level in the truck and I attached levels at the corners.
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