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Old 12-19-2023, 10:55 AM   #18
Montana Fan
Join Date: Dec 2016
Location: Parts Unknown
Posts: 154
M.O.C. #19318

72 yrs old and understand some of the frustrations. But, pounding on young people???[/QUOTE]

Not pounding on young people. We've all been young. I'm 54--my generation raised the 25-30-year-olds of today.

I'm pounding on corporations who hire super-young executives to re-design products and services in the hopes of making money off of young people, when young people are not the actual main consumers of those products and services. For the actual main consumers, the re-designs often render the products and services far inferior to what they used to be--and yet we're all stuck with the re-designs, because that's what's available for us to buy or use.

Take, for instance, my example of my local Walmart: Only a small fraction of the people who shop there regularly want or can afford many of the new products which have been brought in, replacing other products. Most of the shoppers at Walmart are 30+, with jobs, bills, families, and responsibilities. They can't afford to spend $25 on a pair of name-brand sweatpants, instead of the Walmart brand thats costs them $12. They don't want to spend $25 on a pair of sweatpants. Yet my local Walmart is now full of mannequins and digital displays and over-priced clothes that no one wants or can afford, and many of the regular, cheaper products are now gone. And the check-out system, which used to run very smoothly even with lots of the self check-out lanes that I prefer, has been re-designed so that everyone now waits in one of two very long lines, for a very long time, only to be directed on where to go to check out in a big corral of registers, instead of just picking a spot and going to it. It's ridiculous. Even the self-checkout stations have been redesigned so that now you're supposed to do everything backwards, and there's no room to put anything once you've scanned it and put it in a bag.

So I meant what I said--Walmarts are being re-designed by people who've never been grocery shopping.

The new RVs are most likely being designed by very young people who've never traveled in an RV, who the companies have hired in order to get very young people to buy RVs. The companies want to create new markets, and establish a new customer base as older customers age out of the market.

Reality is that very young people are not going to buy many new RVs--retiring people are. But people can only buy what's made available to them.
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