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Old 09-06-2006, 05:40 AM   #50
Montana Fan
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Riverside
Posts: 223
M.O.C. #3237
quote:Originally posted by Glenn and Lorraine

Ya know, now that I really think about it wouldn't make a hill of beans worth of difference whether it was comfortable or not. The one overriding factor is "it just ain't safe". The trailer riders are completely unaware of what is going on up ahead. If the riders were up moving around and all of a sudden the driver had to go into a panic stop or some sudden maneuver to avoid an accident that individual would be dangerously thrown about and possibly sustaining a very serious injury.

I don't know about the rest of you but as the driver and the only person legally responsible I am not going to have it on my conscience that someone close to me was seriously injured during my watch. And all though we don't have any pets, I would think those of you that do would want them treated better than that.


And that is my final word on this thread............
Then you'll probably want to avoid any sort of air travel, tour bus or train ride. You won't be the one in control and you probably won't be able to see the impending collision coming.

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