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Old 02-24-2007, 06:52 AM   #9
Mrs. CountryGuy
Montana Master
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M.O.C. #6337
Crates are a must for training and traveling. Keep your dog safe! Use a crate. I have spoken a number of times about this before, and just about everyone knows how passionate I am about this. There is no bargining on this issue in our household.

As far as the barking/whining/crying at night, be sure baby has had his potty breaks, water and is not hungry in the middle of the night. There are a number of tricks, including the radio and/or clock that has a loud ticking sound, that may or may not work, but everything is worth a try.

When all else fails, you may do what we did, give in and take baby to bed with you, where you get great snuggles and kisses from baby and hopefully some quiet and sleep for all.

I have traveled with little ones, not gonna sit home till he or she is all grown up.

Protect your baby, CRATES RULE. (In a moving vehicle the crate must be bolted to the floor or seatbelted in.)
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