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Old 09-04-2007, 02:18 AM   #8
Montana Master
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M.O.C. #9
We lived in our previous TT for a while after we sold our previous home and before we purchased our current one (1-1/2 years in a 27' TT with no slide!!). Every afternoon I'd do one window. I used a TV tray and cardboard for my trimming surface and a large KOA plastic mug for the corner radii. I used the refrigerator door to put them on while I sprayed the soapy water on the adhesive. I even put some on the outside of the door windows and the bathroom window (pebbly frosted - didn't know then I could turn them around). It really helped the cool down, sun-block, and looked really sharp!! They were dark enough that without a light on inside you couldn't see a thing from the outside. I had one jalousse broken out by hail and the film kept it from shattering (kinda' like safety glass on a car).
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