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Old 09-21-2008, 02:49 PM   #5
Mrs. CountryGuy
Montana Master
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M.O.C. #6337
We do run with the furnace on, but only in the dead of winter when we are escaping the brutal winter temps and heading for warmth. We might not even do it then, cept if I am gonna be gone 3 or 4 months, I want my plants with me, and they ride in Tana, and african violets don't like 30 degree temps very long. So, we set the furnace at 45 and away we go.

Note: disclaimers about turning off propance while refueling, etc etc etc .

OKKK, we do not run with water heater on, ever, no matter what the temps, summer, or winter, or anything in between. In the dead of winter during the escape run we travel with NO water, we don't even de-winterize till we hit Georgia, Arkansas, some state like that. A 2.5 day run with out water is interesting, but doable, just a few tricks to get ya by. That is another thread, or maybe two. When we get far enough south to put water in Tana we still don't run with the water heater on, the water gets hot quite quickly and why waste expensive propane to keep it warm for 8 to 10 hours when not gonna be used. In fact, we rarely keep the hot water heater on, electric OR propane 24/7. Again, another thread here, soooooo

Happy fall camping!!!!

Note, lets repeat: disclaimers about turning off propance while refueling, etc etc etc .
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