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Old 01-23-2009, 03:06 PM   #11
Montana Fan
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Nashville
Posts: 290
M.O.C. #2535
Thanks Carol and everyone. I am taking the following approach:

Fill with fresh water, and dump. Repeat. (done this)
Fill with fresh water and add black tank chemicals. Allow to sit overnight as per carol (in process, and I have a 24 hours soak opportunity). Then dump and try flusher again.

Since I full time I will have opportunities to fill tank two thirds full and drive 100 miles (a la Bob Livingston at Trailer Life). Since I won't be traveling for the next 5 days. I am going to keep the tank at least half full at all times.

BTW, i read the one page manufacturers instructions from my document pack. Seems I have done this wrong for 3 years. After flushing it says to remove the hose from the faucet, let water drain, then disconnect hose from the side of the trailer. I doubt this is my problem unless it is mineral build up in the flusher spray jets. Still, might as well do it right.
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