Thread: fuel additives
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Old 07-16-2009, 03:43 AM   #16
Delaine and Lindy
Montana Master
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M.O.C. #6650
I use Diesel Kleen in the cooler months just because of water in the Fuel, and it can be found at any Wally World. I have a (pre-owned Truck 2006) don't have to worry about idle time and it has a huge water seperator that does help in keeping the water out. Most all the additives on the market are about the same. Go into any major Truck stop and see whats on the shelves. Most Truck manufactors recomend what ever they sell. I have found the best thing to do about fuel is buy were they sell many gal of fuel, fresh fuel is the key to help eliminate fuel problems. Oh and for those who want use additives have never operated a Diesel in the North country, its really no fun setting on the side of the road with the fuel jelled up. Most all major Trucking companys use some type of additive's in the winter months or they did when I drove over the road Trucks. Do I believe it increases fuel mileage no I don't think it does. Do what you think is best, and don't worry about it. GBY...
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