Thread: Goodyear Tires
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Old 05-29-2011, 12:56 PM   #3
Montana Master
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Galena
Posts: 990
M.O.C. #7380
Yes there have been ongoing issue with the "Marathon Goodyear Tires".... Numerous MOC members have had blow outs and caused extensive damage. You are lucky you have made it this far! They are chineese made tires and are junk! Do not let the Goodyear name fool you. Look at your tires and it will say "made in china"! Run a search on "tires" and there are to many threads to count on this subject. Glad you are safe and no damage. Many MOC members will not pull a new rig off the lot until the tires are replaced at thier own cost. Others buy them on the way home. There are also a lot of information about replacement tires that will help you decide what to replace the bad ones with. We replaced all of ours asap.
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