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Old 03-01-2013, 01:27 PM   #7
Montana Master
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M.O.C. #5980
quote:Originally posted by Gkerlin

quote:Originally posted by DQDick

Always nice when friends "drop in". Speaking of which, why don't you drop in when we have lunch at Porter's in Superior on the 11th? We'd love to have you!

Actually Dick I am contemplating coming. Currently the "schedule" has us at Roper Lk State park on the 10th and 11th.
Then Rockhound in Demming NM the 12th-14th.
Then we hit the road and have reservations at Matagorda Bay Nature Park on the Texas Gulf Coast by Corpus (12+hrs) on the 16th so on the 15th I have to put it in "Trucker Mode" All this hanging around in the desert boondocking has made me lazy this winter when it comes to butt time behind the wheel.

If I skip Roper Lake we will come.

We can't skip Rockhound as we have to go back and fill our pockets up with rocks.

At Q, Dick Driver got me hooked on rock polishing (Damn you Dick ) and I went out and bought a rock tumbler and have been filling our pockets up since.

We'd like to make it if we can so let's see how the next week or so develop.

I feel your pain. I got Sue a rock polisher at 'Q' the single bin Mini-sonic Model Mt-4SV, and then a double-drum at Harbor Freight, the original went Tango Uniform, got another from them and it is far. We found a great place for Apache Tears, as many as you can pick up and carry. She has a bunch in the tumbler. Her Fluorite is in final polish. We found a Flourite mine, on top of a short mountain, great site, it was just full of good rocks.
Demming.... we are headed that way, any tips for the area..rock wise?
Thanks, Ozz
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