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Old 03-26-2015, 04:16 AM   #9
Montana Master
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: North Ridgeville
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M.O.C. #2839
We have had two different EW companies and had no problem with either as long as we complied with the reporting requirements.
Since I can repair nothing but the most simplest of problems the EW is of great value to us.

We take the RV to the dealer or repair facility they determine the problem and cost call the EW company as dealers and repair facilities know how to deal with the companies.When done the dealer calls us we pay the deductible and are on our way.

We have a appointment May 5 with our dealer to deal with our two leaking tanks.We will drop it off go home and they will call us when it is done. For those who have only minor or minimal problems or can do the repairers themselves there is no need for a EW.

With many of the EW companies if you do not use the service you get the money back. When we got the new Montana we still had one year left on the EW we had and we got refund of one year premium. Understand the EW company had paid out thousandes of $$ in claims but still refunded the unused portion of the premium. Just our choice...
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