Thread: Slide Toppers
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Old 09-20-2016, 07:58 AM   #20
Sally Newberry
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Location: Kirkwood
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M.O.C. #18908
We had them on our last camper. We had them installed before we took it off the lot. Trust me when I say they are worth every penny. We don't have them on the new camper we purchased a month ago and wish we did - especially when I keep finding leaves & such on my carpet inside the camper that came in when the slides were pulled in. We will eventually put them on but with 4 slides it can be costly (our last camper had 1 slide ). One thing we will do differently however is get the toppers without the cover on them. We thought they would be best because the canvas would be protected from trees, etc. However we discovered that dirt got stuck in the covers. When we buy them for our Montana we'll get the ones without the covers. Hope this helps you.
quote:Originally posted by adams7806

We have a new 3160 that did not come with slide toppers. We have not had them on our past two rigs but my husband thinks it might be a good idea on this one. They're a hefty investment so I was wondering if they are worth the money. Thoughts?
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