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Old 01-20-2022, 08:28 PM   #19
Montana Fan
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M.O.C. #23739
Originally Posted by Bad Moon View Post
Yes,^^^ believe the “experts” not your lying eyes. In 2020, the US was exporting oil, because we had a surplus, and fuel
Was cheap. As of 2021, we are back to importing oil, and the price per barrel has increased, and so has the price at the pump. This is what you get when you ban exploration, cancel leases, ban fracking, ban drilling in ANWR, and ban pipelines.

In 2020 the US exported 8.51 MMb/d and imported 7.86 MMb/d of petroleum products. But the US imported 5.88 MMb/d of crude oil while only exporting 3.18 MMb/d of crude oil. So no the US wasn’t energy independent and the US wasn’t a net exporter of Crude Oil. As for the reason gas was cheap, there was a large supply and low demand. Why was there a large supply? Because the Trump admin convinced OPEC to increase production by almost 2 million barrels a day. As for your other comments about bans, they factually incorrect. Existing leases weren’t canceled there was a pause on new leases but so what since the Biden administration is continuing to approve new leases and drilling. Fracking isn’t banned even though Trump claimed Biden would. What pipelines were banned? That’s right none have. The Keystone XL is a short cut for an existing already operating pipeline that transports Canadian oil for Asian use primarily. As for ANWR yeah Biden canceled the leases. Why because they only brought in 14 million dollars for one. Republicans said the leases would bring in millions more. Shouldn’t the gov get the most $$$ for public land use by a corporation? What else do you have? Google is free my friend stop taking unfounded talking points from opinion journalists and do some research.
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