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Old 09-17-2009, 07:27 PM   #29
Montana Fan
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Davis
Posts: 482
M.O.C. #4524
Thought here....

....I do agree that we do need to speak up about dog owners who do not take responsibility of their dogs and allow them to fun free and invade on others spaces.

But how do we help Campgrounds enforce the rules THEY set...(we agree with and pay for)

When making our reservations and checking in, maybe ask about their "leash rules" and "do they enforce it"? When experiencing a camper who is not following the leash it rule, then take the time to notify the "host/office"

Doing this will make campgrounds aware of how Campers are feeling.
Again I do think we need to put the campgrounds in the positions of up holding their responsibilites. And that is to enforce the leash laws....

About the Q.....

Even thou I have not been at the Q...just from reading the posts written before me....

This is a whole differnt situation. This is a small group gathering, in an open area. Not a State or Public Campground.
All participates have gathered in one location to let their dogs socialize. Like a gathering at a dog park. I am sure this is done away from anybody who may be offended or concerned about a dog off of a leash.

I only wish doggie duty pickup could be as easy to enforce....but that's a whole different topic.

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