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Old 02-28-2014, 05:46 PM   #10
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Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: Omaha
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M.O.C. #7560
Granted we don't have the washer hookup so there is no pink stuff going there but I do pull the low point caps and let it come out there when I winterize and I do inject some pink stuff into the blacktank flush line. I think the most I've used is 2 1/2 gallons and that was my first time doing it and ran quite it bit out of each faucet.

MDL-- I've used the air method also and the only thing about it is IF you do not get all of the water out of each line, you will have some water settle into the low spots of the lines and it will freeze. These low spots cannot be seen most of the time because they are behind the walls or under the floor. If water collects in the low spot it will freeze and CAN crack or split the plastic pipe. In most cases this will not happen because the water expands when forming ice and that expansion NORMALLY will extend up the pipe instead of splitting the pipe BUT who wants to take the chance of that happening, especially if it is behind a wall or under the floor??!!?? You won't find out about the leak until you pressurize the system again in the spring at a campground or if you're lucky at home before heading out on an outing. The water leak is not a fun thing to fix. If you are in an area of the country that does not have the freezing temps for days on end like we do in Nebraska and other Northern States the blow out method works quite well and the pink stuff down the drains into the traps is normally sufficient.
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