Thread: Tire Spacing
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Old 04-23-2011, 08:59 AM   #2
Montana Master
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M.O.C. #20
I'm afraid I don't have the exact spacing info at hand but am surprised you would need to know that. Does the RotoChock come in different sizes? We use the BAL chocks, which are functionally similar but not identical. They adjust and I just decrease to fit between the wheels and then adjust them to tight.

Just went out and did a quick measurement. It's about 4 inches at the center of the tread. That will vary with what was noted above as well as with tire wear. Also, it will be less immediately after traveling. After snugging them up, go back out in a few hours and snug them some more. I usually snug ours while the tires are still warm. As they cool, diameter decreases and I've seen the chocks sometime nearly ready to fall out. But they do help quite a lot from what we've seen.

Good luck and congratulations on the new Montana! I hope you have years of enjoyment with it.
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