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Old 09-26-2023, 02:21 PM   #12
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Join Date: Feb 2021
Location: The Netherlands
Posts: 10
M.O.C. #28133
Can you give me your GAWR's.
If you are not going over that, tires dont have enaugh maxload.

But here in Europe we have for motorhomes CP tires, wich are mostly D-load AT 65 psi or AT 69 psi.
But are given on sidewall 80 psi.
The 65 psi is the referencepressure, and not the max allowed cold pressure.
The tiremaker dont support the higher then maxload, at 80 psi, but secretly they do. They are set in the market to cover the overloading on rear axle wich often on european campers ( CP stands for Camping Pneu)
There are also lists for higher then maxload at higher pressure, well known isv1. 4 times reference when standing still, and then 2x maxload allowed on tire.
1.4 times 65 psi is 91 psi. But then tires warm pressure is also 91 psi, because speed zero.

Continental groop tires give in europe 10 psi above reference pressure as maxcold pressure. So your 65 psi reference, then 75 psi maxcold.

So yes, 80 psi cold wont hurt your tire, but its not an ideal situation. Better would be tires with higher maxload, or solve the overloading.

If you give all the tire specifications I will calculate a safe pressure for it.
Need next, read from sidewall.
1. Maxload or loadindex
2. Kind of tire to determine reference pressure, most likely 65 psi.
3. Speedcode of tire. Less important, shall be above Q

Sizes would be nice, and GAWR's and GVWR, I will search back the weights you already gave.
This all so we can yudge if tires are sufficiënt.

Edit: is your given 3600 lbs the axleload or axle-end load. If axle you dont even need 65 psi, then 1800 lbs per tire.
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