I'll help...here goes:
1. Open the low point drains in your convenience center (red and blue)
2. Go inside and open all faucets - sinks, shower, W/D water supply
3. Remove water heater cover and raise pressure valve relief
4. Remove anode rod
5. By now you should have water on the ground at low points and water heater
6. As an option you can spray some water in the water heater when its drained and get a good flush - step back if you do this or get wet!
7. Once everything is drained, close all faucets that you opened inside
8. Open outside shower faucets, you may get very little water out here
9. Close shower faucets
10. In the convenience center, turn water heater bypass on
11. In the convenience center, turn the winterize valve on
12. Take a short section of water hose and drop it in the pink stuff
13. Connect the male end to your winterize port on the convenience center
14. Sometimes it helps to use two (2) rubber washers at the winterize port hookup to prevent air leaks and difficulty in priming your water pump
15. Go inside to our control panel and turn on the water pump
16. With everything in place, put the bottle of pink antifreeze on a table or something to get it approximately 3-4 feet off the ground (this will help prime the pump
17. Go inside and open the 2 kitchen faucets
18. If all works right, you will hear the pump running and you will pink stuff flowing from both faucets - when you see pink, close the faucets
19. Repeat step 18 at your bathroom sink(s)
20. Repeat step 18 in your shower
21. Flush your toilet until it's pink
22. Repeat step 18 at your washer hookups - you will need a bucket or small catch can
23. When you have pink flowing at all of your interior water sources, you are finished inside (unless you have a residential fridge)
24. Go outside and open your shower hookup faucets until they flow pink
25. For steps 18-24, you will need to replace the bottle of pink stuff a couple of times (I usually pour my pink stuff into a 5 gallon bucket and pull from there - about 3 gallons)
26. For a residential fridge, you can cycle it about 6-8 times and get pink antifreeze to flow to the ice tray - or you can open the low point drain and try to drain it)
27. Turn off your water pump at the control panel
28. Return the winterize valve and water heater bypass valve to off
29. Check your anode rod and get a new one for next Spring if needed
30. Disconnect the water hose and antifreeze
31. Check ALL of your cabinets for items that can freeze and remove them
32. Crack a beer...you deserve one!